How to install a "Communications cable between two computers"
(too old to reply)
Uwe Sieber
2010-07-15 14:59:23 UTC
I need a PPP connection thru a COM port.
Going thru the New Connection Wizard XP installs
a new modem "Communications cable between two computers"
which is then used by a new "Direct" RAS connection.

Setting up the RAS connection was easy by means
of RasSetEntryProperties.

But how to install the "Communications cable
between two computers" modem without user interaction?

Uwe Sieber
2010-07-18 14:13:17 UTC
Post by Uwe Sieber
I need a PPP connection thru a COM port.
Going thru the New Connection Wizard XP installs
a new modem "Communications cable between two computers"
which is then used by a new "Direct" RAS connection.
Setting up the RAS connection was easy by means
of RasSetEntryProperties.
But how to install the "Communications cable
between two computers" modem without user interaction?
I've found the answer in the InstallFAQ.doc document, under
"What is a root-enumerated driver and how do I install one

