Michael H___
2016-12-05 17:04:59 UTC
I hope, this is the correct group. Please excuse, if not...
Anyway, here is my problem:
I am writing a native app (running at boot time, ie. from BootExec) for WinXP. I am reading keyboard input as follows:
Getting keyboard handles:
- I try to open devices with NtOpenFile for \\Device\\KeyboardClass%i, with %i from 0-31. (I use ACCESS_MASK including SYNCHRONIZE, ie. asynchronous read.)
- I store each successfully opened handle in an array. I ignore all others.
- I loop through the handle array. For each handle I call NtReadFile (I am not using events).
- When the loop is finished, I wait for multiple objects (all the keyboard handles, WaitAny, no timeout).
- When a key is pressed, NtWaitForMultipleObjects returns with the index of the signaled handle (I presume).
This all works well. The hardware is as follows:
I have one physical PS/2 keyboard attached. In the Registry I see in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\kbdclass\Enum' the name '0' with value 'Root\RDP_KBD\0000' and the name '1' with value 'ACPI\PNP0303\4&1d401fb5&0'.
I think the former is the Terminal Service Virtual Keyboard, and the latter is the physical PS/2 keyboard.
Indeed, I get valid handles for 'KeyboardClass0' and 'KeyboardClass1'.
Now comes the strange part:
Everytime I get a scancode from the NtReadFile, it comes from device #0 (the virtual keyboard). Not from the physical keyboard, as I would expect.
Can someone explain why?
kind regards,
Anyway, here is my problem:
I am writing a native app (running at boot time, ie. from BootExec) for WinXP. I am reading keyboard input as follows:
Getting keyboard handles:
- I try to open devices with NtOpenFile for \\Device\\KeyboardClass%i, with %i from 0-31. (I use ACCESS_MASK including SYNCHRONIZE, ie. asynchronous read.)
- I store each successfully opened handle in an array. I ignore all others.
- I loop through the handle array. For each handle I call NtReadFile (I am not using events).
- When the loop is finished, I wait for multiple objects (all the keyboard handles, WaitAny, no timeout).
- When a key is pressed, NtWaitForMultipleObjects returns with the index of the signaled handle (I presume).
This all works well. The hardware is as follows:
I have one physical PS/2 keyboard attached. In the Registry I see in 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\kbdclass\Enum' the name '0' with value 'Root\RDP_KBD\0000' and the name '1' with value 'ACPI\PNP0303\4&1d401fb5&0'.
I think the former is the Terminal Service Virtual Keyboard, and the latter is the physical PS/2 keyboard.
Indeed, I get valid handles for 'KeyboardClass0' and 'KeyboardClass1'.
Now comes the strange part:
Everytime I get a scancode from the NtReadFile, it comes from device #0 (the virtual keyboard). Not from the physical keyboard, as I would expect.
Can someone explain why?
kind regards,